Friday Favorites, Fur & Copper

copper-fur-take-homeOn certain days, I look down at my desk and see a clear & consistent theme. Today, it seems that I'm especially drawn to my samples of copper and assorted fur. Somehow, they've just ended up scattered around my desk at an arm's reach. Do you have any absolute favorite finishes or materials? When it comes to clothing, what is your favorite? When you think about the perfect accent pillow for movie-watching on the sofa, which fabric comes to mind?


If you want to take this look home with you, check out these incredible copper & fur home goods:

1. Rocking Chair 2. Tibetan Fur Bench 3. Copper Shelf 4. Copper Pipe Chair + Ottoman - HURRY! 5. Mini Copper Planters 6. Mongolian Fur Pillows

Have a great Labor Day Weekend!
