Phew! Never have I ever been more excited for a Tuesday. I'm just so glad to see the busyness of Monday behind me. I have so many exciting current projects, but they're keeping me running around like a crazy lady! I appreciate those little Residential projects, with incredibly down-to-earth clients, that give me a moment to breathe. I just delivered bedroom designs to such a client last week! I don't typically share projects in this format, but I thought that I'd give it a go. I really love what I created for this young couple's bedroom oasis – and I'm even a little jealous of what their space is about to become. We're installing a wall of classic built-in's along one wall, and leaving the rest of the space open for moveable furniture. The finishes are warm white walls, solid oak shelving, and brass hardware. We're complimenting the muted palette with graphic artwork and a geometric chandelier. The leather stool will keep the man happy, and the swing arm sconces are all-too-perfect for bedtime reading. I can't wait to share the final photos when this one is installed!